갑을상사그룹과 함께할 패기와 열정이 가득한 여러분의 도전을 기다립니다

Ideal staff image


지덕체를 겸비한 진취적이고 창의적인 인재

    Professional knowledge, 3 “ships” (Leadership, Followership, Friendship)
  • a person who is professional with his or her work
  • a person who can unite the community to achieve a common goal
  • a person who can communicate with other members and promote harmony
    Honesty, positivity, cooperation
  • a person who is honest and righteous
  • a person with a positive and open mind
  • a person who cares about others and is willing to work as a team
    Healthy, diligent, hardworking
  • a person who is physically and mentally stable all the time
  • a person who exerts all efforts to each task
  • a person who does not give up