갑을상사그룹과 함께할 패기와 열정이 가득한 여러분의 도전을 기다립니다

Human resources system


We are doing our best to build an organization culture where each person can maximize his or her ability through a fair and reasonable human resources system.

Human resources system

Equality of opportunity
Providing equal opportunities according to individual talents and ability in the organization

Right place
Department selection considering individual talents and personality

Prize and penalty
Reward and responsibility based on results

Importance of human resources
Securing human resources by education

Promotions and level system

Regular employee (4 years)

Assistant manager (5 years)

Manager (5 years)

Deputy general manager (5 years)

General manager (5 years)

※ based on university graduates entering the company in the first year


Regular promotion regular promotion once every year in March
Special promotion according to ability and results, selective promotion can be granted

Salary system

Salary system
Annual salary and pay step varies for different affiliates
Incentives for business results